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bvlgari sunglasses replica have a long history, although today's sunglasses because we know that the earliest records of their inventions can only be traced back to the early 20th century, sunglasses, in one form o buy ray ban replicar another, has been used in people around the world in the last 700 years .Ion accessories, and part of the design of protective glasses, the wearer's eyes from the damaging effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Span of more than 700 years, sunglasses have been used for many different functions. The following history will explain some of the most popular uses.Dark eyepiece to use for the first time in recorded history can be traced back to 12th century China. These first "sunglasses" to build a flat pane of quartz, is welded to a holding stick. To darken the lens held under the quartz smoke. Papers smoky quartz lens judge designed to help hide their eyes, to hide their facial expressions during the trial.It is possible in the Thomas Soda Modena, which is located in Treviso, Dominica Chapter House, murals Italy.When vision correction lens, imported from Italy to China's first theme, a dark glasses, the visual record in the 15 century, China will soon adapt to the lens of their smoke shader technology. While this may be considered the birth of sunglasses, there are still mainly used in the court system.
18th century - 
wholesale 2012 ray ban sunglasses Englandnglish opticians James Ayscough try the lenses tinted glasses about 1752. In his view, blue or green tinted lenses can correct some visual impairment. Ayscough's glasses are used to shield the eyes from the sun, they are considered to be the precursor sunglasses.0th century, - the only record producer AmericaArguably sunglasses, because we know them today, Sam Foster, the founder of the Foster Grant Company, the development of large-scale production of the first affordable sunglasses, and began selling them in New Jersey Atlantic City in 1929. They quickly became the Army Air Corps hit.n hire Bausch & Lomb Optical Company in the 1930s, the production of sunglasses, the pilot's eyes from high altitude glare harmful effects. This will be the creation of Le Pen, in 1936, when they begin using Edwin H.. Land patented the Polaroid filter, the birth of the famous Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses.

